About Seaforge

Seaforge ensures shipboard additive manufacturing performs wherever you work. Reduce your parts inventory and simplify your supply chain by creating parts at the point of need. Seaforge utilizes advanced computer vision, machine learning, and adaptive controls to retrofit your machines for optimal operation in any at-sea environment. Seaforge technologies mitigate the effects of the at-sea environment on the build process and the effects of the build process on your shipboard environment.


Seaforge builds on advancements in computer vision, machine learning, and adaptive controls to enable shipboard manufacturing with bolt-on retrofits to 3D printers. Seaforges Multi-domain Adaptive Control (MDAC) system understands printer dynamics and where moving components should be versus where they actually are at any given time. MDAC identifies where moving components should be at every point during the build, uses low-cost scalable sensing to identify where the moving components actually are in real time, and applies closed-loop control to make real-time corrections when the moving components are displaced from their nominal positions. Similarly, Seaforges Trimodal Universal Portable Adaptive Controls (TUPAC) efficiently removes hazardous aerosols that are generated in the build process and provides local temperature and humidity control to improve the mechanical properties, geometric tolerances, and surface finish of parts built at sea.

The Seaforge Team

The Seaforge founding team of Jonathan Christian and Dr.Jason Summers has a unique combination of skills and experience that is ideally suited to bringing to market and scaling AM technologies for commercial and Navy customers.

Jonathan Christian


Jonathan has over eleven years of experience across a wide range of industries including consumer electronics, manufacturing, and transportation. As principal engineer at Harman International he developed control algorithms for over a dozen auto manufacturers all across the world at scales ranging from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of units per line.

Dr. Jason Summers


Jason has over seventeen years of experience leading development of new products for the Navy in areas including AI/machine learning, advanced manufacturing, and modeling & simulation. He has developed products for the Navy at scales ranging from a $250m+ acquisition program from NAVSEA to an advanced manufacturing facility developed for the specialized requirements of the Naval Research Laboratory.